Dogs cross stitch kits


Dogs cross stitch kits

Any dog lover will appreciate our dogs cross stitch kits. Our dog collection is our best seller category.

These kits are of medium size, no more than 11 inches and are a very good resemblance of standard dog breeds. We have even added the new breed of cockapoo and labradoodle. We use no more than 30 colours - these kits will be an easy task and a great fun to work with.

We have over 250 dogs cross stitch designs, we are very certain that you will find the dog that looks like your puppy.

The images used to create cross stitch kits are all licensed from artist Christine Varley who paints dog portraits.

Visit our shop to view all dog breeds, if you can't find a particular breed in the dogs section, use the search button.

Visit our shop here: Dogs cross stitch kits